CPA, Managing Partner
Specializes in total business accounting, tax and financial services
Dedicated to his family and church
Avid hunter with an itch for a shot of adrenaline
Mansfield Office: 419.525.2828
Loudonville Office: 419.994.4626
Professional Experience
Over 30 years of public accounting experience in preparing taxes, including individual, partnership, corporate, trust, estate, and exempt organization returns
Financial statement preparation, including compilations, reviews, and audits for all businesses (i.e. financial statement preparation for construction clients for bonding purposes or reviews of financial statements for not-for-profit organizations)
Positioning clients to grow – maximizing profits from start-up to eventual sale; attention to detail in every business aspect allows for growth and provides opportunities for improvement
Working alongside business owners of all sizes and types, from small local businesses to mid-sized regional companies with both domestic and international sales
Extensive experience servicing clients in the fields of construction, manufacturing, medical, retail, farming, technology services, residential and commercial real estate investment and management, professional practices, religious organizations, and not-for-profit organizations
Years of working closely with business owners and their staff, which lends itself to relationship-building, trust, and, in turn, meeting the needs of every client
Owner of multiple privately-held companies
Mansfield Christian School - Graduated in 1990
Huntington University, Bachelor of Science, Majors in Accounting and Business Management - Graduated in 1994
Certified Public Accountant since 1997
Financial Representative
Professional Memberships
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants
Organizational Affiliations
Board member on several local not-for-profit organizations
Advisory positions with multiple business clients
Other Information
Time away from the office is spent with my family, friends, church and at the lake. My family and I currently attend Crossroads Community Church. My wife, Tammy, and I enjoy outdoor activities - such as boating, hiking, and recreational sports - with our three children, Lauren, Lance, and Libby. My son and I enjoy hunting, camping, and fishing together. We spend much of the summer at our lake cottage.
Did you know that Tom...
played 4 years of soccer at college?
bungee-jumped from 120 feet?
went on an African safari?
is an avid hunter?
loves to camp extreme?
Contact Tom:
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