Account Manager
Over 30 years experience in the financial services industry
Avid singer / dog lover
Mansfield Office: 419.525.2828
Professional Experience
Credit Union Manager / Treasurer - 20 years
Business Bookkeeper - 10 years
Assistant Fiscal Officer for Municipality - 2 years
Banks & Associates Employee - 17 years experience in reconciling, general ledger posting, payroll taxes
Graduated Malabar High School in 1973
Credit Union School - attended classes at Ohio University (Athens, OH)
Other Information
I attend Crossroads Church in Shelby with my husband of 4 years, Chuck. I also enjoy serving on the Missions Team at Crossroads Church.
Did you know that Sherri...
was a member of the Mansfield Choral Society for 33 years?
enjoys walking and playing frisbee with her dog, Murphy?
Contact Sherri:
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