Office Manager
Wife - Mother - Nana
Outdoors woman with a streak for adventure
Mansfield Office: 419.525.2828
Professional Experience
Extensive experience in office management
Proficient in assisting administrators and personnel
Manages secure client portal
Processes tax information and client documents
Graduated from Lexington High School (Lexington, Ohio)
Licensed by the ACRRT in radiology
Other Information
Jesus Christ is my Savior. I serve him as a Deaconess, choir member, and nursery worker in my church. Outside of work, I also assist my husband with his business by doing the bookkeeping. Spending time with my husband, family and friends, traveling, and being outdoors are my favorite things to do.
Did you know that Mel...
has been with the firm since it opened in 2005?
graduated high school a year early?
has, in cahoots with her husband, Darrel, started working on her "bucket list" by traveling to Australia and Alaska?
Contact Mel:
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